Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So this past weekend was gorgeous here in Texas. My boys played outside and my husband and I were supposed to work in the yard. That didn't happen on Saturday. We we're down the street talking to some neighbors outside. One neighbor who we have not met yet since we have only been here since June came down and talked to us. He said he had extra mulch and if we wanted some, we are more then happy to get it because it was on his driveway. What a nice guy. His mulch ended up helping three different neighbors. My husband didn't want to take it all because others wanted some. This neighbor lent us his wheelbarrow to help carry it all. It was funny seeing the men pushing the wheelbarrow down the street about 4-6 houses down while the women just stood there chatting and watching the kids play in the street. It was nice to have grown-up conversation. :) The neighbor ended up giving the men a beer to drink, a wheelbarrow to use and free mulch. That is a good neighbor. It was great seeing everyone outside and getting to know each other. It finally got to cold to stay out there any longer so everyone went home. I mean we only stayed outside talking for about three or four hours.

On Sunday, I woke up early to work in the yard since it didn't get done on Saturday. It was nice working while everyone else slept. I usually don't like to pull weeds, but actually enjoyed it because I saw it coming together to look nicer. I love to mow and that sounds crazy, but my husband did the rest of the yard work. Since we didn't have enough mulch on Saturday which we were not even expecting to get, mu husband had to go to the store to get 10 more bags. After him and the boys went to the store, I finished moving stones and sprayed ant spray all over. It seemed like it was never ending. Finally all the mulch was put down and the other stones were put around the edges. It looked great and I was proud that it was done. Here's to a great weekend of spending time outside and getting to know your neighbors.

A Chic Mommy

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